Thursday, April 14, 2011


Kuta is the most favorite tourist destination in Bali. Kuta is very famous area dipenjuru world where there are beautiful Kuta Beach. On this beach we will find a variety of visitors ranging from northern coast of Europe, Asia and America from the island of Java, Jakarta, etc..

Kuta is also famous for shopping or a place where shopping is fun and frenetic nightlife. Places where lodging a world-class hotels like the Hard Rock Hotel to cheap hotels such as saving Sahid Raya Hotel. Both the hotel is facing directly to the Kuta Beach.

Parallel to the hotels mentioned above, about 100 meters from the end of the main road there is Kamasutra Bali, Club Restaurant & Lounge. This place is very famous especially for its good local permanent residents or travelers. Very strategic location in front of Kuta beach and the atmosphere is also arranged beautifully. For those of you who want to dine in the afternoon or evening with sunset views, the alternative is cheap in Kuta Beach Food Court. There are a variety of cuisine of the archipelago and some foreign cuisine.

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